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Sunday Funday! :)

Hey y'all!

Hope you're ready for the week ahead! I'm looking forward to warmer weather and more daylight during the upcoming months. I've hit the point where I'm sick of winter and ready for some sunshine. Fingers crossed-- it'll be a warm winter and spring is just around the corner.

Selfie at the Movie Theaters after seeing Phantom Thread

1) This weekend, David and I laid low and had a really relaxing weekend. We ended up seeing Paul Thomas Anderson's Phantom Thread, which definitely pushed what we expected from the movie. I would highly recommend seeing it, but be forewarned that the ending might not be what you expected. Also, major highlight- Jonny Greenwood from Radiohead composed the soundtrack (It might be my favorite aspect of the movie).

New Cactus Plant

2) Since the weather was pretty warm this weekend, I got to replant some of my house plants. This is something I'd been trying to get done for the past couple months but either couldn't find the time for or couldn't find the gardening materials at nearby stores. Luckily, I went to Home Depot this weekend and found everything I needed. They had organic potting soil, gardening tools, I and also picked up a new plant, an old lady cactus. So happy to add another plant to my collection, and keep my plants growing and healthy.

3) I'm super excited to share my fitness progress with everyone! I've been going to the gym regularly and added shoulder workouts, which are a great way to increase my strength and add upper body fitness to my typical leg workout. This week, I added in fruit & veggie smoothies to my health mix, which has been a great addition. These smoothies have no additional sugar added and are only fruits, veggies and water! It's a great way to add in vitamins at the beginning of the day.

4) Here are some amazing photos from my Sunday photo shoot. This shoot features a silk scarf made by Project Runway winner, Dom Streater, along with my favorite faux leather Current Moods jacket. Let me know what you think of the look!

Selfie with my new Betsey Johnson jacket!

5) I take a lot of pride in my thrifting finds and couldn't believe what I found at Goodwill this weekend, a fur collared, embroidered Betsey Johnson jacket (!). Literally one of my favorite finds of the year. Can't way to wear this vintage-styled jacket this spring!

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